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《I’ll help clean up the city parks》教学设计

《I’ll help clean up the city parks》教学设计

《I’ll help clean up the city parks》教学设计

英语学科  昌江矿区中学 钟敏





【教学目标】——学习新的词汇短语,重要句型(Sb put sth to good use by doing sth.  Sb spend time doing sth.)及相关用法。

                学习当别人遇到为难的时,如何提供帮助,通过do volunteer work 来让自己得到提升。




be home to, volunteer one’s time to do sth., major commitment, put… to good use, elementary student, veterinarian, feel good about doing, spend… doing


sb put sth to good use by doing sth.

sb spend time doing sth.


1. Understand how to offer help by putting ss’ loves to good use. 2. get information from the passage for speaking

【教学方法】——mind gap, 3Ps(presentation, practice, production)teaching, task-based learning teaching

【学习方法】——individual work, pair work, group work(discuss, make a conversation etc.)

【教学准备】——multi-media , tape recorder, students’ book




设 计 意 图

Step 1 lead-in

Students listen to a piece of music first. T: Do you like the music?

T: I like to listen to music. what do you like ?

T: We feel good about doingwhat we like to do. And we also feel good about staying with the people who we like.

T: Who do you feel good about staying with?

T: I feel good about stayingwith you, my students at school. So I spend much time staying with you. I like students , and I become a teacher. So I put my love in good use by working as a teacher. if all of us can have a job that we are interested in, we can enjoy working very much. Do you think so?


Step 2 presentation

Look! They are elementary school students. What are their hobbies?

Show the students what the elementary students like to do and find out what jobs they can have to put their hobbies to good use..

( like animals------- zoo keeper, a veterinarian,

 Like playing soccer ------ a soccer player, a soccer coach, )

Step 3 reading

1.      pre-reading:

T: We also have another good way to put our hobbies or interests to good use. (Show them the picture of the sign of the volunteer.) let’s be a volunteer.

What kind of volunteer work can they do to put their hobbies in good use? (Show the students the pictures of the elementary students who like animals and soccer.)


T:  They can volunteer their time to help others. All these kinds of volunteer work can be their major commitment.


1)      skimming

 Show the students the picture on Page 62. T: they are students from Number 77 High School. They put their loves to good use by doing volunteer work. Teacher asks: Who are they? What are their hobbies ?



Li Huiping


Lin Pei


Zhu Ming


2)      scanning :

T: What kind of volunteer work do they do?

volunteer work




T: They really put their loves to good use. How do they achieve it? When do they do the volunteer work? Where do they do?










3)careful reading

T: Why do they think being a volunteer is great?










3)      post-reading

T: While they were volunteering, they could spend time doing what they love to do and learn more. Let’s put our hobbies to good use.

Show the students what the hobbies are. ( computers, movies, music, writing stories, sing songs, work outside, soccer, speak English, paint, tell jokes) show then the volunteer work ( help students mend computers , start a music club, show your stories to the elementary students to read, sing songs for others to cheer them up, give out food at the food bank, coach a soccer team for litter kids, help others speak English better, start an art club, write jokes for others to read)

Step 4 speaking

Show the students the following form. And tell : it’s time for us to set up out own volunteer project. Let’s work in pairs and ask answer like that:

--Hello,…. What do you like to do?

--I like to …

--What volunteer work would you like to do?

--I would like to…

--How do you volunteer?

--I will volunteer my time to….

--Where will you …?

--I will….

--When will you…?

--I will spend --- doing….

--Why do you want to be a volunteer?

--I ( feel good about helping others /can get to do what I love to do/ can learn more from volunteer work / can learn something that I can’t get in books…..)


Students tell what they think of it.

Students talk about their hobbies or interests.



Ss say sth about feeling good about doing sth.









Ss learn the new word phrases with their teacher.

Ss give their bobbies and what they like to do.






Students try to talk about what kind of volunteer work they can do. ( She can volunteer her time to help work in an animal hospital, work in the home to animals,,

 Coach a soccer team for other students, help teacher start a soccer team) .





Ss answer the questions and fill in the chart.




Read3aand find the answers to their volunteer






Students read the article carefully then answer the questions.

a.       where does Huiping do volunteer work?

b.      When does she do ?

c.       How does she do the volunteer work?

d.      When and where does Lin Pei do volunteer work?

e.       What does Zhu Ming do to put his interest to good use?work.


Students read the last part and try to find out the answers to the questions.


After the students answer the question. Show them the following and let them try to fill in and finish the paragraph.

 “Volunteering is great!” says Huiping. “Not only do I _____________ helping other people, but I get to ________ time _______ what I love to do.” Lin Pei says he has ________ more about animals Zhu Ming says he _________ some wonderful people at the hospital. The three students plan to ___________ a student volunteer project at their school.







Let the students to match the hobbies and the volunteer work.







Ss work in pairs and ask answer like that the model from the teacher.




Ask some students to write the information into a passage.































































五、 作业设置

1.write a report what your group like to do and what kind of volunteer work they want to do.( use the phrasal verbs to tell how you to do volunteer work)

2.Read the passage at least 3 times.

