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《Unit7 will people have robots?》教学设计

《Unit7 will people have robots?》教学设计

《Unit7 will people have robots?》教学设计

英语学科  白沙中学  詹文君



1. 知识目标:

(1)    words and phrase: pollution, prediction, future, pollute, environment, planet, earth, plant, part, play a part, peace, sea.

(2)    There be 句型的一般将来时。

2. 技能目标:能够熟练运用一般将来时态的相关知识,准确表达对未来的预测。

3. 情感态度与价值观:



1. There be 句型的一般将来时态。

2. More, fewer, less 的用法


如何运用“there will be …”结构准确达对未来的预测


Step1. Leading in

1.      The teacher plays the song Que Sera Sera.

2.      Ask the students to enjoy the song or sing the song if they like.

3.      After the song, the teacher will ask the question to check their understanding.

T: Can we see the future?

S: No

T: Right, we can’t see the future , but we can predict the future. Let’s make prediction about our future.

( T write down the new words, like future, predict, prediction on the blackboard and then ask S to read together.)


1.      T shows some wonderful pictures on the screen and then ask what the pictures are about.

Teach S the new words environment.

2.      T shows some terrible pictures and tell to S our environment is becoming worse and worse. Pollution is everywhere. Do you want to move to other planets?

3.      Have S make some prediction about our future . What our environment will be like ?

Will there be more people ? Will there be less pollution? Will there be fewer trees?

Discuss in groups and share their ideas. The teacher gives them some explanations if necessary.

Step3. Practice

1.       T plays the tape. S listen and finish the activities in2aand 2b

2.       Check the answers together.

3.       Oral practice: Make conversation according to2aand 2b

A: What’s your prediction about the future?

B: I think there will be more pollution.

A: Really? I don’t think so. But I think there will be fewer trees.

Step4.Have a competition

1.      Have a discussion about the pictures on the screen. Which city do you like? Do you think our Baisha city will be more crowded and polluted?  Will there be fewer trees? Will the environment be in great danger?

2.      Have S read the conversation about Nick and Jill talking about their city in 100 years. And then answer the questions.

(1).What’s the book about?

   (2)What will the future be like?

   (3)Where does Jill want to live?

   (4)What can we do for our environment?

3.Stuents practice the conversation in 2d and prepare to role-play.

Step5. Summary

     Review the new words, sentences and grammar in this class.

Step6. Exercise

     用more, less, fewer 填空

   1. We plant trees every year, there will be _____ trees in the future.

   2. If we waste water, there will be ____ water.

   3. If every family has a baby, there will be _____ people

   4. There will be _____ robots everywhere, and humans will have ___ work to do.

    5. There will be _____ free time when people retire(退休)

Step7. Watch a video

Have students watch a video, and then discuss “Do you want to see our future like that ? How to save our environment ?”


    Write an article about your own predictions of environment in the future and what you can do to save our environment.


Unit7 will people have robots?



    Make prediction    What’s your prediction about the future ?

    Environment          There will be more pollution.

    Planet                There will be fewer people.

    Pollution              There will be less free time.




