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《Unit 1 How do you study for a test?》教学设计

《Unit 1 How do you study for a test?》教学设计

《Unit 1 How do you study for a test?》教学设计

英语学科  白沙中学  刘世林


一、教学内容:九年级英语GFI Unit 1 How do you study for a test?  Period One (1a-1c)











-How do you study English? -I study by working with friends.


flashcard, test, pronunciation, grammar, sentence, words, vocabulary, by working with friends, by making vocabulary lists…







I. Greeting

How you are  doing? Did you enjoy your vacation?

II. Lead-in

T: I'm really excited to see you because we can study English together again. And oday we are going to talk about how to study English.

III. Presentation

Present the Unit Title and get Ss to think about their ways for studying English.

T: Well, some people say it's important to learn English words. And what do you think?

Get Ss to learn how they study the following key elements to improve their English.

study :new words, sentences, grammar, essay, writing

First, ask several Ss about their ways by following:

T: How do you study English vocabulary?

S1: I study by working with friends.

T: How about you?

S1: I study by litstening to tapes.


Then present the sentences on the Bb for Ss to repeat & get them for a sample in order to help others talk their methods one by one. Later on, ask the Ss to pay attention to1a, the key points, to learn more about the ways given in the box.

IV. Target Language Learning & Practice

Ask more Ss about their ways of English studying, then ask them to ask their deskmates about their ways, using the ways in1aor their own and give a show about their conversations to the class. Later on, organize the Ss to talk about their ways if they are good for the elements studying. Give the sample on the PPT for Ss to follow.

S1: How do you study English vocabulary?

S2: I study by working with friends.

S1: How about you?

S3: I study by litstening to tapes.


V. Listening Practice

Get Ss' attention to the pictures in1aand ask three Ss to decribe the pictures how the people study English. Then ask Ss to look at 1b, play the recorder for Ss to write the letters from the pictures in1ato the correct names. Check the answers by ask different Ss.

T: How does the girl/ boy study English?

S: She/ He studies by ...

VI. Grammar & Key Points Learning

Get Ss to read & explain the ways in the box of1a, ask the Ss to discuss and find out what the same structure is with the ways given in the box. Then practice with the structures with their onw sentences.

1. by + V.ing

2. listen to

3. ask for/ ask sb. for help/ ask sb. (not) to do sth.

VII. Homework

Make a survey about other classmates' ways to learn more English, then report to the class next period.


                                Unit 1 How do you study for a test?

vocabulary              How do you study English vocabulary?     by + V.ing

textbook                I study by working with friends.         ask for/ ask sb. for help

grammar                How about you?                          ...

pronuciation             I study by...                              ...




